

Workplace Wellness: Passing Fad or Here to Stay?

Interesting discussion on workplace wellness Workplace Wellness Article  

Benefits of avoiding prolonged sitting.

Recent Australian research has demonstrated the benefits of avoiding prolonged uninterrupted periods of sedentary (mainly sitting) time, interspersing periods of inactivity with breaks, and substituting (at minimum) light-intensity activity for sedentary time.These benefits include improved weight and metabolic outcomes. For example, the amount of sedentary time, time spent in light-intensity physical activity and time spent […]

Tips to beat stress

Great tips on how to beat stress from the Australian Psychological Society.

Successful wellness programs

Wellness programs are often not evaluated correctly or at all. The only way to know if your wellness program is successful is to evaluate it. Here are some consideration to effectively evaluate your wellness program and get more support and funding. Program Evaluation Considerations

Seven tips to manage workplace stress

Seven simple tips to manage workplace stress. Print this off and put it up in the office or email it to your workmates. 2014-NPW-Stress-A3-Poster-Infographic

Sedentary Activity – Sit Less Move More

Here is a great infographic, from the Heart Foundation, to distribute to staff and team members regarding long duration sedentary activity, which is now being referred to as “Sitting Disease”. The latest research in Australia shows that we are sitting for 8 out of every 10 minutes, and people who meet the recommended daily exercise […]

AMC acknowledged for their positive approach to employee health.

Well done to the Australian Marine complex on being recognised by Live Lighter. The AMC has taken great steps to improve employee health and wellbeing. Read More…

Beat the Heat this Summer

Some simple strategies, based on research, that you can implement into your outdoor workforce today.7 Simple strategies to decrease heat related illness in your workplace

Welcome to our new website!

Please feel free to look around. Our Logic Blog is where we will keep you up to date with all the latest health and fitness information as well Logic Health news. If you have any health and fitness questions answered  please post a reply in the comments section of any post you see on this site […]